An experimental general-purpose programming language
This is not a complete language specification (design is still in progress, so a complete specification does not exist yet). Rather, this is a quick guided tour of some of the Icarus essentials.
If you are new to programming entirely, this tour is probably not going to be particularly helpful. This tour frequently references other languages for means of comparison. Unfortunately we do not yet have good guidance for learning to program in Icarus.
Variable declarations are expressed with a :
separating the variable name from
its type. You may optionally initialize the variable with a value using =
following the type If no initialization is present, the value will be
initialized to a “zero-like” value. This means zero for numeric types and
for booleans.
// Initialize a 64-bit integer named `x` to zero.
x: i64
// Initialize a 64-bit floating-point number named `pi` to 3.14.
pi: f64 = 3.14
Types can often be deduced from the values that initialize them. To deduce the
type, simply omit it from the declaration. This is typically stylized as
, but it is perfectly valid to have whitespace between the :
and the =
b := true
pi := 3.14
There are times in which it may be a useful performance optimization to leave
variables uninitialized. Assigning the special value --
denotes this.
// An uninitialized 32-bit integer
x: i32 = --
All variables must be initialized before being used. Initializing already-declared variables is outside the scope of this tour.
Icarus allows you to define constants with values known at compile-time.
These look like normal variable declarations,
replacing :
with ::
days_per_week :: i64 = 7
// Type deduction works for constants, too.
pi ::= 3.14
Functions in Icarus take the form
<parameters> -> <return-type> { <statements> }
. For example,
// Define a squaring function.
square ::= (n: i64) -> i64 {
return n * n
// Call the squaring function.
square(3) // Evaluates to 9.
Notice that we declared a constant square
and defined it to have the
value of this function. You will see this pattern in Icarus a lot. Where other
languages have special syntax for defining functions, types, or modules, Icarus
uses the same syntax for all kinds of declarations.
In addition to the standard function call syntax, Icarus supports a few other styles for calling a function:
3'square // Same as `square(3)`.
square(n = 3) // Icarus also supports named arguments...
(n = 3)'square // ...even when the arguments are passed first.
Icarus functions can have arguments with default values.
half ::= (x: f64 = 1.0) -> f64 { return x / 2.0 }
half(3.0) // Evaluates to 1.5.
half() // Use the default. Evaluates to 0.5.
All of the functions shown so far are simple enough that the standard function
syntax is overly verbose. Icarus provides a shorthand syntax that replaces
with =>
, and replaces the return type with a single-expression
function body.
The return type is always deduced.
square ::= (n: i64) => n * n
half ::= (x := 1.0) => x / 2.0
Arrays are contiguous, fixed-size blocks of memory that hold data all of the
same type. The type of an array is written [N; T]
where T
is the
type of data held in the array, and N
is the length of the array.
Arrays can be constructed with a comma-separated list of values surrounded by
square brackets.
a: [3; i64] = [1, 4, 9]
b := [2, 4, 6]
Multi-dimensional arrays can be constructed by nesting the above type syntax, or using a comma-separated list of dimensions. The declarations below are equivalent.
c: [4, 2; f32]
d: [4; [2; f32]]
Pointers represent the location of an object in memory. A pointer to an object
of type T
has type *T
. To take the address of an object, we use the unary
operator. To dereference a pointer to an object, we use @
n: i64
p: *i64 = &n
@p = 3
// Now `n` holds the value `3`.
Unlike C/C++, pointer arithmetic is not allowed on *T
at all.
Icarus has a second pointer type, called a buffer pointer, denoted [*]T
does allow arithmetic. Taking the address and dereferencing are done with the
same operators.
a := [1, 2, 3]
p: [*]i64 = &a[1] // Okay to use a buffer pointer, because we are pointing into
// an array
@(p - 1) = 10 // We can do arithmetic with `p`
@p = 20 //
p[1] = 30 // We can also directly index with brackets.
// Now a == [10, 20, 30]
Note that buffer pointers must point into arrays or slices (see below). You may not use buffer pointer arithmetic to dereference a value outside the underlying array or slice.
A slice is another reference-type like pointers. It holds a buffer pointer
and a length, which makes it easy to refer to subsequences of contiguous
blocks of memory. A slice of objects of type T
is written as []T
. Slices
can be indexed and dereferenced just like buffer pointers.
a := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
// A slice referring to the elements in `a` whose values
// are currently 2, 3, and 4.
s := builtin.slice(&a[1], 3)
s[1] = 30
// Now a == [1, 2, 30, 4, 5]
An enum is a type whose value can be listed as exactly one item from a set of alternatives. For instance, we might use an enum to represent the suit in a card game.
Suit ::= enum {
my_suit := Suit.Clubs
Unlike C or C++, enum types must take on exactly one of the listed values. In
those languages, it is common to use enums to hold a collection of flags, any
number of which might be set. For this use-case, Icarus has a separate
construct called flags
. This indicates that members are not mutually
exclusive. You can use the binary &
(and), |
(or), or ^
(xor) to
operate on flags.
Color ::= flags {
Yellow ::= Color.Blue | Color.Green
Users can define their own types with the struct
Point ::= struct {
x: f64
y: f64
z: f64
Struct instantiation and member access uses syntax similar to many Algol-like programming languages.
// Create a default-initialized Point named p.
p: Point
// Update the x member.
p.x = 3.0
You can also initialize the values in a struct directly using the designated initializer syntax:
p := Point.{
x = 0.1
y = 0.2
z = 0.3
Icarus modules are the primary unit of encapsulation. The importer of a module gets to choose the name associated to that module.
math ::= import "math/core.ic"
math.sqrt(9.0) // Evaluates to 3.0.
Modules can also be assigned to --
, which makes their contents available
directly without using module’s name as a prefix.
-- ::= import "math/core.ic"
sqrt(9.0) // Evaluates to 3.0.
When defining your own module, declarations are not exposed publicly by default.
To make a declaration visible, mark it with #{export}
// Possible implementation in math.ic.
sqrt ::= (x: f64) => sqrt_impl(x)
// Not exported. Users of this module cannot see this.
sqrt_impl ::= (x: f64) -> f64 { ... }
Moreover, when exporting structs, note that the members of a struct are (by
default) not accessible outside the module, even if the struct itself is
exported. Where other languages use keywords like “public” or “private” to
denote access control to struct fields, Icarus reuses #{export}
my_public_struct ::= struct {
my_public_field: i64
my_private_field: bool
my_private_struct ::= struct {
also_private: f64
Perhaps the most distinguishing feature of Icarus is that the core language has
neither if
statements nor while
loops. Both of these are
definable in libraries via user-defined scopes.
-- ::= import "core.ic"
io ::= import "io.ic"
// Prints "01234five6789"
i := 0
while (i < 10) do {
if (i == 5) then {
} else {
i += 1
Commonly used scopes (if
, for
, and while
) are all defined in the standard
library’s “core.ic”.
Defining your own scopes is more complex than would succinctly fit in this tour. You can learn more about that here.
Icarus treats types as values just like integers, strings, and bools. This means types can be passed into and out of functions, used in expressions, etc.
get_int ::= (signed: bool) -> type {
if (signed) then {
return i64
} else {
return u64
my_int :: type = get_int(signed = true)
There are two oddities that come out of this. First, because a type such as
is a value, it must itself have a type. In the same way true
has type
, bool
has type type
. But going one step further, type
is itself a
value of type type
The second oddity is that, there are restrictions on when a type can be used to declare a variable. In particular, a type can only be used to declare a variable if the type is a constant known at compile-time.
f ::= (constant_type :: type, nonconstant_type: type) -> () {
x: constant_type // Okay, `constant_type` is a constant.
// `y: nonconstant_type` would be a compiler error.
Icarus supports pattern matching for builtin types (user-defined pattern
matching is planned), provided that patterns can be matched entirely at
compile-time. A pattern can be matched against an expression with the
binary ~
operator. The left-hand side expression is compared to the pattern on
the right-hand side, resulting in a compiler error if the pattern cannot be
matched. If the pattern does match, any bound variables (declared with a single
backtick) are brought into scope.
42 ~ 6 * `N // Matches, declaring N to be the constant 7.
42 ~ 9 * `M // Compiler error.
some_type ~ [3; `T] // Matches some_type against an arry of size 3.
Type deduction for generic functions uses pattern matching as described in the
previous section. Rather than the binary ~
operator, a unary version can be
used. The pattern will be matched against the type of the argument passed to the
// Accepts an argument of any type T and returns the product of that number with
// itself.
square ::= (x: ~`T) -> T {
return x * x
square(3) // Evaluates to 9
square(1.1) // Evaluates to 1.21
Parameterized structs work much the same way as generic functions do, by accepting constant parameters. Here is an example of a pair type.
pair ::= struct (A :: type, B :: type) {
first: A
second: B
// Usage:
p := pair(i64, bool).{
first = 3
second = false